Alex Garrett
2 min readMar 26, 2021


I Won’t Make It In Media Because…

…Because I want to bridge the gap with this plaftorm!

This is the exact title of my latest Podcast .

I dedicated some time to discuss this idea of bridging the gap. I believe it is a must here in 2021, but it won’t go viral to say the gap and divide seen in Washington and America must be narrowed.

Yes, everyone talks about it. The term ‘bridging the gap’ is getting worn out and quite frankly over-used and politicized. Yet, the talkers aren’t always highlighting the DOERS that work to bridge gaps in today’s society. It is frustrating when you think about it. Why would the talkers not be DOING? Because if one solution was found, there would be an erosion of profits first and foremost.

There is no doubt this gap keeps existing without any bridging because division makes money, right? Maintaining the division profits so many different sectors of society! News networks profit off continually highlighting the divide while claiming to want to bridge the divide! To do that, you’d actually have to invite those making waves in their community on to various shows. 90% of the time during the week, talking heads talk with other talking heads and the feel good ‘in the community’ segments air on a Sunday when no one really is watching. LET’S STOP BURYING THE BRIDGE GAPPING LEDE!

Can legislation be a bridge-gapper? I would love to hope our tax dollars go to finding solutions, but gridlock STILL plainly exists in Washington, Albany and the Mayor of New York’s office. That’s not by accident. Our elected leaders answer to lobbyists, who fund them. If they actually came together agreeing AGAINST their interests, the lobbyists would turn on them and the donations would stop. I would say, let’s forego focus on the donors and focus on the issues to bridge our divides, but that’s why I wouldn’t make it in politics either. I don’t ever feel meant to be tied down to outside interests in this life!

If this platform, Adapting With Alex Garrett, can’t make it in the media world or politics, that is fine by me! I’d rather welcome those who have solutions and fixers. I want to direct you to places in NYC specifically like the Downtown Alliance (; NY Hospitality Alliance ( and Upper West Side Together ( Find out the organizations doing good in your neck of the woods and let me know of them at!

I implore you to utilize your platform to highlight the doers and the bridge-gappers, not the talking heads!



Alex Garrett

Hey there! My name is Alex Garrett and I’m a talk radio producer, podcaster and blogger! Find out more @alexnyc1 ! Email