Alex Garrett
1 min readOct 4, 2021


The freedom of Britney Spears is by far the biggest story of adapting in 2021. For starters, the work of the #FreeBritney movement has truly made a difference in the 39 year old pop star’s life. This also could inspire us to breakthrough in our own lives.

The breaking of Britney Spears conservatorship brought me to ask this on Adapting With Alex Garrett, ‘Can we rid ourselves of the mental and metaphorical conservatorships?’ Our head can be quite the place if we let it. Does our mind own us? Heck no ! Yet, we sure let it bother and own us as if it has a conservatorship over us, am I right?

When I say metaphorical, I am saying someone or something external also has a hold on us as if the situation owning us! Perhaps, the adapting to freedom by Britney Spears can inspire us to break free from the metaphorical conservatorship some of us might be going through daily! A reminder, God can break us through the metaphorical conservatorships we go through as well by faith!

I discuss more of this on the latest podcast HERE :



Alex Garrett

Hey there! My name is Alex Garrett and I’m a talk radio producer, podcaster and blogger! Find out more @alexnyc1 ! Email