Alex Garrett
3 min readOct 31, 2021

Turning 30 Was Wild!

Imagine turning 30 years old and being feverishly SICK just a few days later? What is that! For the first time I felt age carrying responsibility. Thanks be to God for getting this journey to 30!

So, a bit about me if you are just joining the ride. I was born with one leg and numerous internal issues that I never let stop me . That’s because I have been extremely blessed and grateful to have a family and a foundation of love and support the last 30 years. At times, something like a differently made bladder or a small esophagus could spell doom. For only temporary . I also have one lone kidney which has been (thanks be to God) going strong for 30 years! That being said, was I actually responsible celebrating 30 years? Well I’ll leave that for you to decide!

Turning 30 after truly roaring 20s hits different. This number holds weight! This number says it’s time to take responsibility and take the reins of the tasks given to you in your health, with your family and at work. This wasn’t more clear than the 5 ensuing days after turning 30 that led to a spiked fever, parental care, care from my doctor and the love of my girlfriend to see me through a long ER visit. This time it didn’t and still does not feel like another come back story of surviving yet another health crisis to add to the stack of the last 30 years.

This time it feels like a concern I could let myself become THIS SICK. AGAIN! Time after time when health becomes an issue, I always say I’ll work to do better, but that work never seems to truly become a result that leads to no more health crises. So what adaptations need to be made? Dedication to the medication? Yes and it goes deeper! I cannot give you a how-to, but I can say once I figure out the secret recipe to my health I’ll letcha into my secret. Unlike Col. Sanders .

At 30, maybe you felt you couldn’t coast any more? Maybe you felt you had to produce better at work because you are no longer in your 20s? Can’t just be me feeling that drive and self-pressure to work better in my 30s, because just the phrase ‘30s’ sounds so much older than being in your 20s! I can’t be a better worker if I let my health go to shit just days after turning this prestigious number (at least I now hold 30 to a higher standard) .

30 is prestigious because it to me feels the time to truly individuate from the habits you knew. Truly go and find that first apartment to grow in. Truly go and get that salaried position you work your ass off for daily Truly go and gain the maturity to love your significant other to the fullest you can love them for them.

Hitting 30 after entering the pandemic age 28 must have done a lot to my psyche, and I don’t mind it. It made a 28 year old, then-29 year old and now 30 year old stronger than I ever felt and ready to make the 30s decade special.

Alex Garrett

Hey there! My name is Alex Garrett and I’m a talk radio producer, podcaster and blogger! Find out more @alexnyc1 ! Email